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Text File | 1995-10-07 | 3.7 KB | 80 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
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- Join Vornskr StrikeGroup Today!!
- Are you interested in joining a Dark Force's StrikeGroup? And do you want to
- avoid Rebel or Imperial Rules? Then Vornskr is for you!! Vornskr is the newest Dark
- Forces StrikeGroup around. It is a mercenary group that supports itself. Members are
- encouraged to serve Vornskr faithfully, and to CRUSH!!! anybody who stands in our
- way!! We are hired by Rebels, Imperials, and Other Mercs!! We do all the down and dirty
- work that requires troopers to be sent in. We do just about anything as long as we're
- paid!! Vornskr has three StrikeTeams and one Training Unit, they are the following:
- The Nighthawks - The Nighthawks are the Eyes of the Vornskr. They work Stealthily,
- unseen. They move quickly while completing their Devastating blows to our enemies.
- Assasinations, Hit and Run Attacks, Recon, and Surveillance are just a few of many
- tasks of the Nighthawks. Using the Dropships Murasame and the Tempest, armed with
- a Imperial Repeater this StrikeTeam is Unseen, a Very Deadly combination. They are
- the Exact oppsite of the Gundarks.
- The Gundarks - The Gundark StrikeTeam is a Pyshcotic group of killers who love to
- rush into battle, the feeling of grabbing their fusion cutters and blazing away at the
- enemy, no sneaking around. They expose enemy weaknessess and Exploit them to
- Their fullest extent. They run in, with no Cover, then watch the enemies face turns into
- terrior as they fall to the ground, then becomes the cold as the Ice world of Hoth.
- The Howlrunners - The Howlrunners Striketeam is the elite, the best of the best. we
- operate like the Kamarian howlrunners do, as Predators, relentless hunters in the
- badlands of the galaxy. We pride ourselves on our ability to, whether stealthily or
- otherwise, infiltrate an enemy held base and accomplish any goal, attainable or
- impossible. Members excel at Recon, Assault, Assassination, Demolition, and
- Destruction of enemy property. A Howlrunner member can grease an enemy from 500
- yards, in bad weather, without a scope, in combat conditions, without being seen.
- The Verpine Commando Training Unit - The Verpine's are a training team meant to
- expand the skills of it's members. Members train in the areas of demolition,
- Sharpshooting, recon, stealth, and heavy assault. As a Secondary mission, the Verpine
- members are sent on recon operations with minor risk involved.
- Each Group has it's own style of Combat. Choose the StrikeTeam that fits you best! I
- hope to see you soon in Vornskr!!
- ***************************************************************************
- Vornskr StrikeGroup Requirements
- If you would like to join Vornskr, Send your Darkpilo.cfg file to Morbid, at
- 102536,3207 (Special Thanks to No Quarter for finding out that the file contains your
- profile for the game). There are no Reqs to join the Training unit, so if you would like to
- join the Commando's you don't need to send in a Agent file. Here are the other
- Striketeam Requirements.
- Howlrunner - Turn in 8 Different Agents files finished on HARD only!!
- Gundark - Turn in 5 Different Agent files finished on Medium Only!!
- Nighthawks - Turn in 2 Different Agent files Finished on Easy Only!!
- Verpine - Turn in 0 Agent Files
- _______________________________________________________________
- These Requirements are subject (and most likely) To change. If you join by these Reqs
- and the requirements are changed, you will be expected to comply with the new rules. If
- you have any questions about the requirements please feel free to send me a letter.
- Jason "Morbid" Whitman
- Vornskr Leader
- Vornksr 1